
Continent: North America

The largest, most technologically advanced, country in the New World. Spanning for centuries with unstoppable development. The life of the average Meltrocitizen is merely a daydream to those outside the nation’s borders. With millions living in mansions and hundreds living in skyscrapers, the people of Meltrocito are proven to be as advanced as their machinery.

That is without saying its biggest downsides, however. Meltrocito also has the highest rate of poverty, unemployment and inflation. On the other hand, the crime rate is suspiciously low across multiple states. Some theorise that those higher-ups are making deals with many largely impactful crime families to not wreak havoc upon the peace of the land.

Thanks to the inventions by Meltrocito’s top scientist, Uri Takahashi, all members of the government have achieved technological immortality with sanctuaries built to fit thousands of incubation chambers for each member of the hierarchy. The founding fathers of Meltrocito, Jack Grensmith and Uri Takahashi, are still alive today. Uri takes care of Meltrocito’s technological problems and the education district while Jack is the main representative of Meltrocito and the current president.

Meltrocito’s most impressive feat is their defensive measures to combat the brain-hijacking parasites known as "Neurotremors" roaming no man’s land outside. The 80-year project to build a 10km thick border wrapping around Meltrocito’s countryside succeeded in protecting millions. The material used to build the wall is made from Astreuminiam, a metal strong enough to withstand an incoming asteroid from the outer worlds, making it impossible for outsiders to invade their soil. Since the attempted invasion of Hazard, their toxins gloom far and wide across the land, leaving many dead in the aftermath. And that’s how Meltrocito spent 3 billion dollars on a forcefield that touches outer space and filters any polluted air to become clean oxygen just at a slight touch.