
Continent: Asia

The last communist country on earth is a miserable polluted industrial wasteland. Hazard is under the reign of the supreme dictator, Faris Crowling. Faris puts a heavy focus on military and political power. Dedicated to making every citizen a soldier or a factory worker. So much in fact that the entire surface of Hazard is 40% industrial factories and 60% boot camps/military operation sites. This makes Hazard the biggest contributing factor to the earth's polluted environment. Not many countries have the ability to intercept the situation due to the brain hijacking parasitic mutant monsters roaming the lands as well as Faris having a problematic liking to chemical warfare. Some call it "Onara", a certain individual calls it "Faris's Farts". The generalised slang for this chemical is "Hazvark Breath".

Centuries ago before the birth of the New World, an incoming asteroid struck earth on Kunming, forcing the chinese government to nuke it before its destruction. Certain chemicals in the asteroid combined with the after effects of nuclear radiation created the first instance of Hazvark Breath. Shards and Fragments of the asteroid planted themselves deep within the country's ground, the initial explosion left behind a lingering effect all over china's atmosphere.

Centuries later, Hazvark miners encountered entire cave systems filled with Hazvark Breath. Scientists were quick to study and experiment. The people of Hazard discovered that they've been breathing in this supposed deadly toxin since the global pandemic occurred. Humans, plants and animals here all had their bodies adapted to turn Hazvark Breath into a respiratory requirement.

Hazvark Breath leaves a lifelong status effect on the common man, as it would normally suffocate his lungs as well as melting the borders of said lungs. However, what Hazvark Breath does to a normal person is what clean air does to a Hazvark.

Hazvark Breath ties directly to Hazard's military arsenal, international defence system as well as the daily life of a Hazvark. Hazard's weaponry all has a way to inject Hazvark Breath into the enemy's bloodstream. Whether it would be imploding bullets, caustic cannons, aerial chemtrails from planes... While Hazard's defence system is Hazvark Breath itself. Hazard's atmosphere on the surface is made up of 50% Hazvark Breath. Any lifeform that hasn't evolved to fit the lifestyle of Hazard dies almost instantly upon contact with the noxious air. Only Meltrocito grade hazmat suits can withstand the deadliness of Hazvark Breath.