
Name: Feldric ???

Age: ?? years old

Height: 5.7ft (175cm)

Weight: 152lbs (69kg)

Occupation: Leader of the Redscar Dominion, Accountant

The birth of Redscar gave life to many, many new civilisations upon the wasteland. The process of which has alot to do with numbers. Max budget per group, sum of revenue per return, prediction of interest rate…

Ayannah and the gang got tired of counting hands after 13 or something loans. So a spot as an accountant for Redscar was up for grabs. They knew it would be fairly difficult to find anyone who can read and write. It’s so bad infact that Ayannah and Damien could not expand their vocabulary without the help of Cyrus, since she’s been learning how to read blueprints since the early days of childhood. Either way, it was about time they find another intellect for the crew.

The first few months of having the job listings up were…tough. Either they were torn down by bandits or said bandits attempt to join even when they don’t know how many fingers they have. Even unexpecting innocent townsfolk can’t pass the entrance exam. Cyrus sighs as she might just have to take over that job.

Until, a well suited fine gentleman showed up. Cyrus sighs in relief as she finally saw someone that might just have enough knowledge to know their abcs. Ayannah, the entrance guard for the job, was more suspicious than happy however. A wild lawless wasteland, and this aristocrat, just out of nowhere? There’s more to him than this. Heck, is that thing even human?

Ayannah became even more suspicious as the man aced the test. She had to know what’s up with him. She “calmly” asked the gentleman:

“Tell me, who are you?”

He turns around, stares back at Ayannah with his signature, cold, poker face:

“Feldric. Miss Toppdekt should have my information written down-“

Ayannah gets aggressive, gripping the man by his shoulder with the other hand formed a fist:

“WHAT are you? You’re not from here, I know it”

She fails to get a reaction out of him, his poker face withstood:

“According to your hiring contract, my origins are none of your concern, miss Crowling. I am here to crunch numbers as your contractor had infor-“

“Wait…How on god’s name did you know my name?”

His heart stopped, she saw the “I screwed up” expressions on his face. Ayannah smirks, knowing she had been correct. He stutters in response:

“I-I uh… You must b-be… I’ll be going now”

Feldric power walks out of there as fast as possible. Ayannah wonders if she should dig further upon his true identity or just leave the man be. After all, she doesn’t think Cyrus is down to interview another outlaw.