
Name: Damien "Invincible" Stinger

Age: 20 years old

Height: 6'1ft (186cm)

Weight: 198lbs (90kg)

Occupation: Leader of the Redscar Dominion, Stronghold Captain

His father was a Mystlandic adventurer, his mother a pre-Redscar-era town girl. He was born in the town of Cumminglots in a humble home there. One day, when was was only 7 years old, the Firefly bandits attacked.

Damien’s mother was shot right in front of him whilst his father cowardly ran away. Lil ol’ Damien thought he was merely in his last seconds of life as bandits found his hideout and was ready to slit his throat with a machete. Fortunately for him, he was only traumatised as the brains of the bandit splattered all over him. Goes “BOOM” the bandit’s mates. The saviour was none other than Ayannah, Leader of Redscar.

Turns out, Redscar also tried to plunder the village that day. As you know, bandits don’t like to share loot. And Ayannah’s crew came out victorious.

Terrified and confused of what happened, Damien hid in a corner of his burning home. Ayannah offered him a hand, like how her old crew offered her one. Fearful of the woman covered in blood. He doesn’t know if he should trust her or not. Either way, Damien had to get out of the burning building regardless. So he held her hand.

Years later, Damien the boy officially became a member of the Redscar crew. He was energetic, for sure, a bit too energetic for Ayannah to handle. But she had to manage somehow. Ayannah saw Damien as her little brother, practically raised him. His best friend was the equally energetic, Cyrus. Ayannah tend to keep him out of trouble but Cyrus creates trouble for him. Either way, Ayannah had to clean up alot of the mess Cyrus and Damien made.

He had a running joke on the team: “If you guys just held up 2 shields together, you will never get shot!”. Damien, at one point, tried to prove his point by making up a fighting style for duel wielding shields. Ayannah thought it was cute so she just let him “train” like that. Cyrus even made him a pair of mechanic retractable shields!

Ayannah knew Damien’s dorkiness was not fit for the line of duty. So everytime she left to scavenge or to do a job, she “tasked” him with one mission: “Protect the house for me, mkay?”. The boy replied: “Yessir! I will protect our base until my last breath!”. He never fails to make her smile with that line.

2 decades later, Damien was Redscar Dominion’s Head of Defence. The youngest leader of the bunch, in fact. His favourite weapon was, of course, a pair of retractable heater shields with flails attached to them. He, with the help of Cyrus, designed fortress walls and anti air cannons, extremely effective against any land, air or sea attack!

Even when not in combat, Damien likes to wear his armour all the time. Even thought it was heavy and hot, he got used to it. His body grew muscles from the everyday exercise he gave himself. Heck, he even dress his goons in heavy armour just like him!

People might mistake his sunshine personality for a stupid, ignorant and arrogant leader, but he is infact very intelligent. He spends his free time in Feldric’s library, reading literature like Sun Tzu’s Art of War and the occassional comic book.

Present Damien with a problem. He will eventually find an outlandish but effective way to deal with it. In short, the most dangerous weapon you can give Damien, is prep time.