
Name: Cyrus "Crimson" Toppdekt

Age: 29 years old

Height: 5ft (153cm)

Weight: 110lbs (50kg)

Occupation: Leader of the Redscar Dominion, Uncertified Engineer, Chief of Construction

Cyrus was the child of a single mother, Tina Toppdekt. Her mother was a bartender in New Shucklesville. Seeing that kids don’t really have education in New Shucklesville, Tina taught her first grade knowledge like the abcs, basic math, yadi yada. Cyrus would often get bored running around the bar all day or if it’s a busy day, stay in her room.

She wanted to learn, learn the ways of the gun, as well as the way of the hammer. Near the town was a community junkyard. Bandits usually dump their victim’s bodies or damaged vehicles there. Cyrus would often sneak out to said junkyard to “find treasure”. She would sometimes bring home the empty bodies of broken guns, bullet casings and car batteries. She would experiment with them, not knowing if it’s dangerous or not.

One day, she snuck out to the junkyard like usual, and she was found by a group of bandits. The bandits of course captured her and was ready to take her home and sell her organs. Until Ms. Toppdekt showed up and gave the bandits a taste of lead. In absolute awe of her mom’s badassery, Cyrus ran to hug her as tight as she could. “You’re in deep trouble, young lady” was the line that made Cyrus realise that it’s her mom that saved her.

At home, Cyrus was grounded. But before that was “the talk”. Tina knew her daughter wanted more from life, but didn’t know how to do so in moderation. Cyrus did asked her to teach her how to use a gun but Tina wanted her to wait until she’s 18 at least. Either way, she knew her daughter’s curiosity was gonna get the best of her.

Later on, both Tina agreed that Cyrus could go to the junkyard on the condition that uncle Daren had to go with her. Cyrus is once again filled with joy.

She even made friends along the way. Malitrid, a boy her age, was also using scraps to make stuff. She was shocked when she heard that he’s from Hazard. She never seen Hazard in her life. She only knows that it’s a terrible place.

Malitrid told Cyrus to meet his mentor, Gertrude. A woman from Hazard who had proper education on architecture and 4 PHDs. Cyrus happily agreed and Malitrid was happy he obtained a friend.

With teachings from an experienced Engineer combined with Cyrus’s enthusiasm comes great progress within small amounts of time. She knew how to fully construct a house and everything inside it just at the age of 19.

Tina was more than happy that her daughter’s gonna have a great future. She soon shortly died of a heart attack.

She mostly freelanced her work. Helping the town’s builders with architectural design and construction. Sometimes constructing watch towers for bandits. Until one day she saw a job listing for “building the foundation of a new country, Redscar”. It sounded stupid so she obviously applied. Little does she know, that would change her life forever.

Ayannah, “Redscar”s leader, wanted Cyrus to sign in a decade long contract to build the entirety of Redscar. Cyrus laughs nervously until she notices that Ayannah was being serious. Cyrus gulps as she didn’t expect to take on the biggest job offer of her life.

After years and years of connection with the Redscar group. She was offered leader position. She was confused at first but then just accepted it in the end since “Why not, these people are cool”.

20 years later, Cyrus now sits in the top sit of the country’s armory. With the ever increasing size of Ayannah’s plans, means Cyrus has much left to do.