
Name: Ayannah "Crimson" Crowling

Age: 34 years old

Height: 5.8ft (178cm)

Weight: 152lbs (69kg)

Occupation: Founder and Leader of the Redscar Dominion, War General

Once a child that ran away from home. She was forced to adapt to new environments as Hazvarks are unable to breathe oxygen. After all, she is the daughter of Faris, Hazard’s “greatest leader”. She taught herself survival near the outskirts of Hazard where she could still breathe normally. With the help of some local bandits, of course. With their thievery and combat training, the usual Hazvark patrol guards went from a roaming threat to free loot. She became an independent rouge warrior by the age of 16.

After an incursion by Elite Hazvark guards, her whole bandit crew was murdered. She of course, as all protagonists do, survived and escaped. After some shedfull tears, all she had in mind was vengeance against her father.

The guards knew of her presence. She could no longer stay in the proximity of Hazard as it would be stupid and dangerous. This means, she has to go beyond the breathable zone. She scavenged a left over gas mask from her dead bandit crew a few days after the slaughter. She knew that in order to bring her father’s kingdom down, it would require a kingdom of her own.

Seeing how wild the wastelands are, she thought of bringing democracy as her establishment. And that’s when Redscar was founded.

She didn’t know how to “lead” per say, as her whole life she was treated as a pawn. Luckily for her, her father was a leader. Although evil, Faris knew how to keep people under his belt. She used her father’s gaslighting and manipulation techniques to build up a reputation. Something like “Want to start your own gang? I’ll give you a loan of money and resources. After a few years, pay me those resources back”.

At first, people of ol’ New Shucklesville laughed her off as establishing any kind of order to a lawless wasteland was a crazy idea to them. She immediately knew that violence was the only answer.

After a few years of muggery, theft and assassinations. Ayannah quickly racked herself a fortune, a reputation and most importantly, a crew.

One of those crew members were Cyrus, the crazy energetic engineer who made Ayannah question her sexuality. With her help, Redscar constructed its first stronghold. Behold the birth of the Redscar Dominion.

After many years and wars for resource. At the age of 49 and a “kingdom” of 300 thousand soldiers. She knew she was ready to make her father pay for what he done to her when she was a wee child.